Monday, December 19, 2011

Terrifurrcation for Kittys

Dear Subjects,

This is truly a terrifurring day.  There are huge, huge paws tromping on top of my palace, making noise and tearing things away.  These paws must have enormous claws, because pieces of roof are falling down everywhere. 

Emmy would have suggested to her Human that something should be done?  Perhaps under these very unusual circumstances, we might consider bringing in back-up, (maybe a Rottweiler?) to do some purrtection services? 

Emmy retires majestically.
Of course, Emmy would have to retire majestically to some quiet place of contemplation should it become necessary to hire such staff . . .

But Emmy was unable to give her human orders, having experienced a sudden, immediate need to quietly contemplate under the bed. 

This is truly the best location for planning our next projects while thinking of what we shall do once these big paws stop whatever it is they are doing up there.

In the meantime, perhaps we will see if our Human has discovered any new space for Emmy to inspect (purrrfurrrrably quiet and dark). 

Once things quiet down, Emmy must go up and inspect everything, and then purrrhaps she will acquire some MoonDust for dear Miss Graphics Fairy.

1 comment:

  1. I must agree with Miss Emmy, this noise is terrible! Although I do look forward to seeing your new roof!
