Saturday, December 17, 2011

Emmy's human speaks

Occasionally Emmy must allow her human to speak.  Emmy knows that this intrusion must be jarring to her many legions of fans and followers, but sometimes we must allow the "help" a little latitude.

I appreciate Emmy for allowing me to step into her space this morning.  I just wanted to write about how grateful I am for my friend Gayle, and for my daughter Jennifer.  They visited me for critique group yesterday, and we had a wonderful, productive session.  Gayle's writing is ethereal, enchanting, haunting.  Jennifer's writing is so good and so promising, and she endures critique from two "old hands" (or old "paws" as Emmy would say, possibly), like a pro (visit Jennifer's blog, "Just a Girl in the World" here).

Further, they both stepped in and counseled me to get to the heart of what was stalling me in my blog, Addicted2ContainersAndSpaces.  I realized I had so much more to say, and did not know how to fit that into the constraining "space" of containers and spaces, even though there was much to say there as well.

We finally determined that a new "space" was necessary to "contain" these additional thoughts (much as I have dreamed of finding a new closet or room in my home), and then brainstormed together what this space should be.  My new inspiration, Emmy Dickins (who is settling in to managing her home and her humans very nicely) channeled her thoughts and made her desires clearly known.  Each of us realized that Emmy ultimately had a lot to say, and much advice to give.

With delight and excitement, we began exploring titles and domains, and noted that Emmy has many recommendations, or proposals (purrposals, as she would say -- thank you Gayle!) for crafters, cooks, homekeepers, petkeepers, and more.  We consulted her and she agreed that Emmy Dickins Purr-poses was her blog title of choice -- and things immediately got rolling.

Emmy created two pages last night and has been mulling topics and organization.  The two of us must leave you for now while we go back to our project of this morning -- creating never-ending Christmas cards.  Emmy plans to document this process for her readers, and we will tell you more about this on her crafting page.

But before we close, we both wish to say how grateful and thankful we are that Gayle is with us today.  She went from being the most accomplished and energetic outdoorslady this time last year to suffering the most life-threatening and deadly illness you can imagine.  There were weeks and weeks through last spring that we feared she wouldn't be with us past summer.  But she is -- she has scored a magnificent victory, and is well on her way back to being the inveterate hiker, cyclist, cook, and entertainer she has always been.  And she has done so with the most excellent form of Grace.

God bless you, my friend!

Emmy's Human

Note from Emmy:  Although I spend my time snoozing under the bed when my human has any company, I am also delighted at Gayle's miraculous recovery.  

Emmy appreciates Cathe Holden at Just Something I Made
  for sharing this purrfectly delightful button with her readers.  
Emmy knows with great certainty that because 
she is an artist, Cathe Holden is a svelte Abyssinian,  
the noble cats depicted in ancient Egyptian statues.

1 comment:

  1. I had such a wonderful time yesterday with both of you. I agree, Gayle is such an inspiration and I loved her writing.

    I have my chapter to work on before we meet again, and thank you so much to both of you for your insightful comments.

    When we get together to make the candy for Heidi's mom, we should document for the blog!
